Zoe began life in the flatlands of the fens, in school she lived in the black box and performed, wrote and directed plays. Once she escaped at 16 and flew away to Germany, she knew she had to keep creating by any means. Zoe fell in love with the camera from an early age, and still considers it a magic box. Zoe has kept the first photograph she ever took (a blurry Christmas Tree), when her father gave her a camera aged seven. Zoe’s photography, writing and films explore themes of womanhood, feminism, the strange and surprising. Zoe now lives in a high tower in Leicester looking down on the ravaged city, considering her disappearance into the final frame.
Zoe also teaches art, design, and media at DMU International College. Zoe has a first degree in English and Media She also achieved an MA with Distinction in Creative Media Arts (Photography) from the London South Bank University. Zoe's film 'Let's Eat Hair' was shown at the Phoenix Cinema in Leicester.